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About me

My name is Nguon Nguon, I am 13 years old. I was born in the 18 of September, 2000. My favorite sports were ping pong and soccer. My favorite color was green, I was crazy about green color mostly all my stuff are green. The subject that I'm crazy about was mathematical, I always wanted to learn more about mathematical and always spend most of my time play mathematical on the website that the mathematical teacher gave me. My favorite ice-cream favor was Vanilla and my National was Cambodia and Vietnam because I have two passport.

curriculum areas/teachers  

Mathematical - Mr.James

Science - Bridget

Humanities - Mr.Miller

EnglishB - Mrs.Deepika

Technology - Paulenne

Khmer - Mr.Lok Kro

Music - Mrs.Bei


curricular activities

Flying Bikes


Interests and hobbies

  1. Games

  2. Mathematical

  3. Ping Pong

  4. Facebook

  5. Soccer

  6. Skype

  7. Carrots

  8. Tomatos

  9. Mangos

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